Telugu version of Kamal Haasan’s much-publicised film Vishwaroopam release took place amidst fits and starts in Andhra Pradesh on Friday. The screening was suspended for one day in the State capital, because state government did not want any trouble on ‘Milad-un-Nabi’, birthday of Prophet Mohammed.
It is understood that a delegation of leaders from the Old City approached Home Minister P. Sabita Reddy and the City Police Commissioner Anurag Sharma asking for a halt to the screening until they could see the film themselves, to verify if there were indeed any scenes that could hurt the feelings of the community.
Notwithstanding the request, the morning show went on uninterrupted all over the State. However, at the Prasad’s Multiplex, the show was stopped midway, slightly after 12 noon, and viewers were refunded their ticket money. No one from the office of the distributor was available for comment. Till the evening however, there was no clarity as to the position, about whether screening would be resumed and when it would happen.
A.P. Film Chamber of Commerce president Tammareddy Bharadwaja said it was screened as scheduled and that one full show happened without interruption, except in 14 theatres located in ‘communally-sensitive’ areas. Once the film was cleared and certified by the Censor Board, suspending its screening was ‘unfair’, he added.
Actor Prakash Raj termed the ban as "not fair" and said it was time to put a halt to what he called "cultural terrorism."


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